aangila aRivu

This puzzle might draw a lot of ire. Although the clues are in english all the answers shall be in tamil only. You will find the English pretty bad but this is what is used in several areas of tamilnadu. The puzzle is aiming at bringing your English skills uptodate !

ஆஙில அறிவு

This is a web based solver for Tamil crosswords that lets you directly type Tamil characters using an English keyboard. For example, for "புதிர்", type "puthir". You click on a cell to highlight the word. If a cell is part of both across and down clues, when you click again, it toggles the highlighting. Play with it and send your feedback to puthirmayamgmailcom.

1.Put (leave) (2)
2.beat bite quickly quickly (5)
5.when you give less. No quality (3,3)
6.u horse extra(3)
7.too many read excess (6)
10.near to tap roughly (4,3)
11.not going (coin) (3)
13.unfinished temple tower (3)
14.on top of (2)

1.insufficient time ( everything goes wrong )(3,3)
3.what we saw volume measure .bad (talk) (3,2)
4.much moon prize (4)
6.assistant rate. flower string also (5)
7.without beak no limit (to God's play)
8.what we saw chop . a musical 5 beat (3,2)
9.make walk ( a school) (4)
12.tail up (2)
Transliteration scheme:
உயிர்a : அ|aa, A : ஆ|i : இ|ee,I : ஈ|u : உ|oo,U : ஊ|e : எ|ae, E : ஏ|ai : ஐ|o : ஒ|oa,O : ஓ|au : ஔ|
மெய்k,kh,g : க்|ng,nG : ங்|c,ch,s : ச்|nj,nY : ஞ்|d,t : ட்|N : ண்|dh,th : த்|n-,nt : ந்|b,bh,p : ப்|m : ம்|y : ய்|r : ர்|l : ல்|v,w : வ்|z,zh : ழ்|L : ள்|R : ற்|n : ன்|j : ஜ்|sh : ஷ்|S : ஸ்|h : ஹ்|
உயிர்மெய் (மாதிரி)ka : க|kaa,kA : கா|ki : கி|kee, kI : கீ|ku : கு|koo,kU : கூ|ke : கெ|kae,kE : கே|kai : கை|ko : கொ|koa,kO : கோ|kau : கௌ|k: க்|
ஆய்தம்H : ஃ
நகல் அனுப்புக


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