apaaku varaadha kuRaiyai
அபாகு வராத குறையை This is a web based solver for Tamil crosswords that lets you directly type Tamil characters using an English keyboard. For example, for "புதிர்", type "puthir". You click on a cell to highlight the word. If a cell is part of both across and down clues, when you click again, it toggles the highlighting. Play with it and send your feedback to puthir mayam gmail com. குறுக்காக: 1. Stress incomplete mind before pressure (2,5) 5. (meet) this person extremes of male(2) 6. 2/3 cap in reduced needle yields pleasure loving guy (4) 7. Hindi went sacred place for Hindus (2) 8. Rock (inscriptions) in monthly is flawless (4) 10. people dot in forehead shows an actor(4,4) 13. Half a cloth in a degree can adorn a great person's feet (3) 15. Pari's daughters were reminded of a full moon 'that' month (4,4) நெடுக்காக: 2. Enforcement department (6,2) 3. Little girls miss an i when whirling round and r...